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Presently, the novel coronavirus’ Omicron variant is being touted just as a “mild” variant. Of course, after the devastation that the Delta variant has caused, Omicron is bound to seem less harmful in comparison. And this had led many to believe that we might be nearing the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
But how accurate are these claims?
In its new fact sheet, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has busted several myths, by addressing “speculation, assumptions and misinformation that is being communicated about the Omicron COVID-19 variant”.
As per the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, Omicron is responsible for the latest epidemiological data showing a rapid rise in COVID-19 infection rates on the continent. In a matter of months, the COVID-19 caseload has soared in Europe — going from 1 million cases per week in September 2021 to 7 million in the first week of January 2022.
Despite that fact, the general consensus seems to be that “Omicron only causes mild disease”, and the WHO fact sheet has addressed this myth at large.
It acknowledges that Omicron does have fewer cases of hospitalisations, making it seem a lot less life-threatening than the Delta. But just because it appears milder than Delta does not mean this new variant is “mild” and to be taken lightly, WHO warned.
It reinstated that vaccinations, particularly among vulnerable groups, have contributed to lower rates of hospitalisations and deaths so far. Many more people would have been hospitalised due to COVID-19 had the vaccines not been available.
In spite of some groups suggesting that vaccines have no impact against Omicron, the WHO has reiterated that vaccines are our best bet, and currently remain “the best available protection” against the highly infectious variant.
“Vaccination prompts the body’s immune response to the virus, which not only protects us from the variants currently in circulation—including Omicron—but is also likely to give protection from severe disease due to future mutations of COVID-19,” the fact sheet read.
Another misbelief circulating around the world is that Omicron is comparable to the common cold virus—which WHO disagreed with, instead stating that the variant is “much more dangerous”.
“Omicron is not like a common cold because it is more likely than a cold to land you in hospital, and some people have already died as a result of it. It is also expected that people who have been infected from Omicron and recover are also at risk of developing so-called long COVID conditions,” it added.
The fact sheet stressed the need to acknowledge that the pandemic is far from over.
Even though Omicron is quickly gaining ground in Europe, the majority of current COVID-19 cases are still being caused by the Delta variant, which is known to cause severe disease and death, it said.
Therefore, WHO has advised that we keep our guard up, as ending the pandemic will require us to reach much higher levels of vaccination in key target groups.
“This is as much about vaccine equity between countries as within countries, and it must include getting all vulnerable individuals and health care workers vaccinated as a priority,” the organisation stated.
(With inputs from IANS)
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