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Ways to keep blood sugar levels low

Ways to keep blood sugar levels low

It is easier to control blood sugar by taking medication and making small changes in lifestyle.

The habit of walking after meals

People with pre-diabetes or diabetes always know the importance of being physically active. Many studies have shown that there is no substitute for exercise to keep muscles effective and blood pressure under control.

According to a study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care, walking for a while after a meal helps adults with glycemic control. A 15-minute walk after a meal helps control blood pressure, which is just as effective as a forty-five-minute walk at other times of the day.

Sugar substitutes

Diabetics and nutritionists always recommend zero sugar. Although it is less sweet and satisfying than sugar.

There are a number of alternative ingredients available today that offer the same amount of sweetness and flavor as sugar. These are easily mixed with baked goods or hot meals.

Eating oatmeal for breakfast

Not all carbohydrates raise blood sugar equally. Fibrous carbohydrates have different effects on glycemic control which is more beneficial than other processed carbohydrates.

According to a study by Greek researchers published in the online journal Nutrient, soluble fiber in soluble foods helps control blood glucose.

And in this case eating oatmeal for breakfast increases the level of soluble fiber in the body. Adds beta-glucan, an effective fiber to lower blood sugar levels.

So, to stay healthy, to improve digestion, eating oats for breakfast is beneficial.

Specify the time of sleep

If you sleep well at night, everything will be fine the next day.

According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, sleeping less than seven hours a day increases insulin levels and makes you feel tired the next day.

Irregular diet due to lack of sleep also increases the demand for high calorie, high sugar type foods etc.

Keep it near the water bottle

Even if you want to control your blood sugar, you need to keep your intake of carbohydrates, sugars and calories in moderation. However, there is no limit to drinking water to protect moisture. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps control blood sugar and keep the body healthy.

Researchers at Iran’s School of Nutritional Science and Dietetics recently conducted a meta-analysis based on six studies.

Drinking more water reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in PubMed.gov.

So plenty of water should be drunk and its taste can be changed slightly if necessary.

Eating dark chocolate as a dessert

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonol compounds. It helps control blood sugar and controls insulin.

In 2015, researchers from Iran’s Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran’s University of Medical Sciences, and Islamic Azad University found that eating an ounce of dark chocolate a day was just insulin or glycerin. It does not control the level but also helps to control the level of contraction and dilation of blood vessels.

So if you are interested in sweet food, you can develop the habit of eating dark chocolate.


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