By many people’s estimation spring has already sprung in the UK, with the easing of remaining Covid restrictions adding to the celebratory air.
However, by the more traditional definition, the first day of the season is yet to arrive, as it takes its date from the March equinox.
Like the solstices which mark the beginning of summer and winter, equinoxes were used by early civilisations to divide up their year.
However, they can fall at slightly different points according to our modern calendar – here’s everything you need to know.
When is the spring equinox 2022?
In 2022 the spring equinox – also known as the vernal equinox – falls on Sunday 20 March (technically occurring at 3.33pm).
This is the most common date for the phenomenon by some margin, although it can occur on any date between the 19th and 21st of the month.
This date is considered the first day of spring under the astronomical calculation of the seasons, which is based on the two equinoxes and solstices.
The astronomical spring lasts until the summer solstice, which in 2022 lands on Tuesday 21 June.
Spring’s first day comes earlier with the meteorological definition, which is much simpler, splitting the year into four seasons of three full months based on the Gregorian calendar, making it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics.
This means that every year spring begins on 1 March and lasts until 31 May, with summer starting on 1 June, autumn arriving on 1 September and winter following on 1 December.
What is the vernal equinox?
Equinoxes get their name from the Latin for “equal night”, and mark the only two points in the year when the equator is the closest part of Earth to the sun, with both the northern and southern hemispheres sharing sunlight equally.
In theory, this means that everywhere on the planet should get 12 hours of daylight and darkness on those days, although this is complicated slightly by the Earth’s atmosphere affecting the way we see sunlight.
For six months each of the year, either the northern or southern hemisphere is pointing slightly more towards the sun, bringing the warmer temperatures of spring and summer.
The autumnal and spring equinoxes mark the point when the two hemispheres swap over, while the summer and winter solstices denote the sun reaching its most northerly and southerly points.
“Vernal” simply means something related to spring, so the names can be used interchangebly.
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What are the traditions behind the equinox?
While the solstices are more widely understood to be rooted in ritualistic tradition and celebration, the equinoxes carry meaning for many people too.
Early civilisations found the spring equinox to be a reliable way to keep track of the seasons, with cultures today paying tribute as their ancestors used to.
In the UK, Stonehenge is the most famous meeting point for druids and pagans, who traditionally gather annually (when pandemics allow) to watch dawn break with dancing and song.
Gatherings happen around the world; at El Castillo in Mexico, the site of the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, people watch the sun create snake-like shadows on the pyramid steps, and similar events take place at Mayan temples across central America.